The short documentary, “Inhabiting the city, an urban drift”, is a projectwithinLife in two citiesfor theTANDEM Paris-Madrid programme, which links culture and artsbetweenbothcities,focusing in this edition on the theme ofurbantransformations.It will focus on the designers approach and their views on the city, analising the similarities anddifferences of both cities through the day to day life in both of them. The awareness of the cityfrom the users experience, with the main interest based more in the lifes within the cities that onthe cities itself. To understand the city as a tool for the living where design becomes a fundamentalissue. The cities landscape as a work in progress.Cities of the XXIst century are inhabited in different ways, and new services, products,spacesandstrategies have been designed to enable their usage and performance. The idea is to travelaround Madrid and Parisas a way to raise questions on a series of focus subjects like mobility,sustainability, food, new cultural environments or educating a new citizenship among others.Thecity is showcased following and filming the tripof twoparisian designers to Madridfor a couple ofdays, hosted by two Madrid designer ́sand vice-versa.Nowadays, life is broadcasted immediately, and lived with delay, but in the age of post or pre-truth, the real life of the city,the one that normal citizens experience on a daily basis,isthe onedescribed, understanding that design, with all it ́s different perspectives, has a main role inreshaping and redefining the new city with it ́s processes of transformation.We will study several important parametersfrom the user ́s point of view, the localand socialknitting ofthe cities networks andwe will cast abroad look into the inner core of a technicallyengineered but still emotional cityscape.Like a small theatre play which will be filmed in a series of different environments found andproposedby the host designers, A journey around the city following the daily life of the designers,stopping and reviewing all the “encountered” city scenarios using design as a tool of urbantransformation.